Our RE Curriculum
St Paul’s C.E. Primary School
R.E. Curriculum Statement 2024 - 2025
Our R.E. curriculum at St Paul’s is underpinned by Christian values and aims to inspire all our children in their learning. The curriculum enables children to explore, discover, flourish and achieve their best. Our broad and balanced curriculum provides opportunities to link knowledge and skills across areas of learning. The R.E. curriculum intends to promote religious understanding and respect, and to challenge prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping. We strongly believe that the purpose of RE is about religious literacy. This means we aim for children to be able to hold a balanced and well-informed conversation about religion and belief. We do this by exploring and asking questions.
At St Paul’s, Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Revised Syllabus for Religious Education for Schools in Manchester, Salford, Stockport, Tameside and Trafford. Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding through three learning strands: Believing, expressing and living. Our curriculum is enriched with experiences which celebrate the opportunities in our local area and raise aspirations. As a Controlled School with a strong Christian ethos, each year group at St Paul’s focuses on Christianity with the opportunity for pupils to learn about and evaluate their own views on this and other world religions. RE enables pupils to appreciate their own and others’ beliefs and cultures, helping them to develop a clear understanding of the significance of religion in their own area as well as in the world today. It is concerned with the promotion of each pupil’s self-worth, enabling them to reflect on their uniqueness as human beings, to share their feelings and emotions with others and to appreciate the importance of forming and maintaining positive relationships. We teach R.E. discreetly in both Key Stage 1 and 2 for an hour each week. In Early Years, the opportunities for learning are interwoven around the children’s own life experiences and are linked to learning about an awareness of similarities and differences and celebrating each other’s cultural diversity.
Please see the RE Curriculum Implementation Map in files
Teaching R.E. makes a significant contribution to pupils' academic and personal development. It also plays a key role in promoting social cohesion and the virtues of respect and empathy, which are important in our diverse society.
We want the R.E. curriculum to impact on the children in the following ways: • To deepen their reflection on questions of meaning, offering their own thoughtful and informed insights into religious and non-religious views of life’s meaning and purpose. • To help them explore fundamental questions of beliefs and values in relation to a range of contemporary issues. • To consider their own beliefs, values and attitudes and become more tolerant of the beliefs, values and attitudes of others. • To consider religious perspectives on contemporary social and moral issues. • To equip our pupils with strong skills to consider issues of community cohesion, diversity and religious understanding. • To contribute significantly to pupils’ academic progress and their personal development.