‘We work, We play, We care, We pray’

Nursery 2024 - 2025

Miss Ikhlaq

Ms Barlow


Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to St Paul's Nursery Class. We are the start of a new and exciting learning journey with your child at St. Paul’s. We have an open door policy to parents and I am available for a chat before and after school. We also use Class Dojo to share your children's achievements and to ensure important information is passed on quickly and effectively. Parents can message Miss Ikhlaq directly on this platform if needed.

In Nursery we learn through play, both indoor and outdoor. We follow the Early Years curriculum with its 7 areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Mathematics, Literacy, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Equal importance is given to both our indoor and outdoor learning.


The children will demonstrate their mathematical skills when using numbers in play. We will work on our:

  • Counting
  • Understanding and using numbers
  • Calculating simple addition and subtraction problems
  • Describing shapes, spaces, and measure


The children will engage with lots of stories and traditional tales. We will be sharing the children's favourite stories and encouraging them to recall on sequences and events of familiar stories. The children will also learn how to handle books with care, turning a page at a time from right to left and holding the a book the right way up. The children will learn to interpret pictures and understand that the print they see in their books carries meaning.

In phonics we will be learning Nursery rhymes, alliteration, environmental, vocal and instrumental sounds and begin learning to hear and recognise phonological sounds.

Communication and Language:

The children will learn about the different roles of a speaker and a listener. They will learn how to talk share with their friends in small and large group contexts. This will enable children to develop on their questioning skills, asking how and why questions as well as being able to answer questions.

Physical Development:

Gross Motor: The children will learn how to access the outdoor environment, focusing on skills such as walking, running, jumping, climbing, rolling, shuffling, turning, and balancing.

Fine Motor: The children will learn how to manipulate their fingers to use tweezers, play dough, threading tools, paint, and lot of other materials. They will learn how to handle tools correctly and develop their tripod grip in order to mark make effectively.

How can you help?

You can help your child by sharing books with them and encouraging them to talk about their day. Promoting independence will also benefit your child, this may include encouraging them to dress themselves and attend to their own toileting needs. Please ensure that your child always has a spare set of clothes in school and these are labelled clearly with their names. It is useful for children to have a pair of wellies in school too for wet play. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and am excited to embark on this wonderful journey in Nursery!

Thank you

Miss Ikhlaq

Files to Download

Nursery: News items

Newsletter 07.02.25, by Mrs Lavin

Newsletter 6.12.24, by Mrs Lavin

Newsletter 29.11.24, by Mrs Lavin

Nursery: Gallery items

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Nursery: Calendar items

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