‘We work, We play, We care, We pray’

Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Ashurst

Miss Greenaway

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Reception. 

In Reception, our doors open from 8.40 a.m. until 8.55 a.m. to allow for a smooth start to the day. We learn through play, both indoor and outdoor and follow the Early Years curriculum with its 7 areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Mathematics, Literacy, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Equal importance is given to both our indoor and outdoor learning.

We are Explorers!


As well as developing subject-specific skills, knowlegde and understanding through the themes, the children will also be acquiring skills which will help them become well-rounded individuals and ready for their next phase of learning. Our Explorers will learn to be experimental, curious, confident and co-operative.


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We use ClassDojo as our main communication tool. We will share what the children have been learning in class and communicate all class/school-related information with you using this platform. It is essential that you are connected to our class page.



In the EYFS, we use Tapestry to record observations and progress of the children's learning journey.

In Reception, we will be beginning our reading and phonics journey. We will be teaching 1 new sound a day and how to blend our sounds to enable us to read words .We use Read, Write Inc as our phonics scheme and you can watch videos on the Ruth Miskin / Read, Write Inc website if you would like to see an example of a phonic lesson. Reading is incredibly important for your child’s progress, therefore we will be reading with your child at least twice a week once they have sufficient phonics knowldge. We would urge and appreciate for reading with your child to take place at home. Please read with your child as often as possible to support their development. 



Your child will learn to count from 0-20 and beyond, whilst learning to write and recognise their numbers. We ask that you work with us and consolidate this knowldge at home by reciting these numbers. (not always from zero). When saying numbers, miss numbers out and ask them what the missing number is? Ask them about what number comes after, before or in between certain numbers. Count in ones, fives and tens to encourage them to hear numbers that they may not be aware of. Write numbers on post-its and stick them around the house, then have a number treasure hunt where you ask your child to find specific numbers. All of this, will help to benefit your childs knowledge.  


In Reception, your child will be begin writing CVC words using their Phonics knowledge to then move onto writing short sentences as we learn to describe characters, settings and feelings in our focus stories. For the children who are beginning to create the correct letters for each sound, remind them to stretch words out and write all the sounds that they can hear. Encourage your child to start early mark making/writing by making and writing cards for family and friends, creating shopping lists together of the things that you need. Show your child how you write and talk about what you are doing as if your child sees how you write. Lots of positive praise for trying and rewards, such as smiley faces, stampers, stickers etc will also encourage them to keep trying.


In Reception, P.E is on a Monday afternoon. Your children will need to bring a P.E. kit, which will consist of black joggers/ leggings, white t-shirt and pumps/trainers into school.

Please can you ensure that all clothing is labelled clearly with your child's name.  As you will appreciate, all the children are wearing similar if not identical clothing both during the day and also during PE lessons. If names are in clothing we are able to quickly return any lost items to its owner.

Half termly newsletters and current subject topic overviews can be found in the files below.

I am delighted to be working again with your children and I am looking forward to a very successful year. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to me.

Thank you

Miss Greenaway

Files to Download

Reception: News items

Newsletter - 21.06.24, by Mrs Lavin

Newsletter 14.06.24, by Mrs Lavin

Newsletter 24.05.24, by Mrs Lavin

Reception: Gallery items

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Reception: Calendar items

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