Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mr Ashton
Miss Collins
Welcome to Year 5
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to Year 5! Miss Collins and I are looking forward to working with you to ensure that your child achieves their full potential. Year 5 is a year to embed all of the knowledge learnt in lower Key Stage 2; a year to start the preparations for transition to secondary school.
This is often a year when children grow in maturity – sometimes even more so than in their final year in primary. They gain a greater independence and confidence from being given more responsibility in their learning.
Children in Year 5 are increasingly encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning: to do their homework, to pack their school bag, to remember their PE kits. And they develop and grow as a result. It is about encouraging independence in preparation for bigger things to come.
In maths, there is an emphasis on fractions, decimals, and percentages this year. There is also an expectation that they will know all of the written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. By year 5, pupils are expected to know all their timetables. If you would like your child to do extra practice I have sheets that they may take home
For English, new punctuation is introduced (such as hyphens, semi-colons, and colons). There is a greater emphasis on grammar features too (for example, modal verbs like would, could, might, and must).
We will be continue to follow the Learning Means The World curriculum but we will become Navigators using subject specific skills in more detail.
This year our PE lesson will take place on WEDNESDAY and will be taken by Mr. Belston. Please ensure that your child has their OUTDOOR PE kit in school, ready to get changed into for PE. The children will also be participating in the Daily Mile.
Homework will be sent home on FRIDAYS and will be expected in by THURSDAY. Your child will be expected to read every day and to record what they have read in their planner. Their planners will be checked weekly on a Monday.
At St Paul's we want to be available to share news about your child or to discuss any concerns or issues that you may have, so if you do wish to speak to staff, please ring the school office and we can arrange a time for either a phone meeting or a face to face meeting.
Thank you, Mr Ashton