Year 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Kavanagh
Miss Greenaway
Ms Moore
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Year 1
Our teacher is Miss Greenaway and our teaching assistants are Miss Tomlinson, Mrs Bent and Miss Kavanagh.
In Year 1 we follow the National Curriculum which means that lessons are becoming more formal and you will notice changes in the way your child is learning. In Year 1 all children work in groups or individually to produce pieces of work every lesson. All work is differentiated, meaning that your child is working at a level appropriate to them. Everyone is expected to have a go and do their best every day.
Reading is incredibly important for your child’s progress. We will read with your child three times a week, following the Read, Write Inc scheme of work sp please send your child in with their reading book everyday. Please continue to encourage your child to read regularly at home, for 10 minutes daily, and make some time to discuss and ask questions about the text to develop comprehension skills as well as practising their phonics. We would be grateful if you could please make a note of how your child reads, in their reading diary, each time your child is heard to read by an adult. whether this is a school book.
In English, as in their Early Years classes, we will be continuing to read stories and non-fiction books as well as exploring poetry and rhyming. We will be writing in sentences using capital letters at the beginning, finger spaces between words and full stops at the end. We will develop our reading skills including phonics, sight vocabulary and comprehension. We have started using a new handwriting scheme meaning your children will be learning to join letters.
In Maths we will be securing our understanding of place value and numbers, addition and subtraction, looking at time, mass/weight, 2D and 3D shapes, counting, money, multiplication and division.
Our PE lessons are every Thursday afternoon so please make sure your child has a PE kit which will be left in school. This will include black plimsolls, black shorts/leggings/joggers, white t-shirt and the blue school jumper. Please can you ensure that all clothing is labelled clearly with your child's name. As you will appreciate, all the children are wearing similar if not identical clothing both during the day and also during PE lessons. If names are clearly labelled in clothing this allows us to quickly return any lost items to its owner.
We use ClassDojo and School Spider as our main communication tools. We will share what the children have been learning in class and communicate all class/school-related information with you using ClassDojo. It is essential that you are connected to our class page. We use School Spider for booking meetings, signing up for trips and after school clubs.
Half termly newsletters and current subject topic overviews can be found in the files below.
I am delighted to be working with your children again and I am looking forward to a very successful year. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to me.
Yours Sincerely
Miss Greenaway
Files to Download
Year 1: News items
Newsletter 07.02.25, by Mrs Lavin
Newsletter 6.12.24, by Mrs Lavin
Newsletter 29.11.24, by Mrs Lavin