Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mr Atkinson
Mrs Bowker
Year 3 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 3, a fabulous and fun year to be a part of!
Year 3 marks the end of Key Stage 1 as your child enters Key Stage 2 as a Junior pupil. Now, children begin to develop increasing independence and also secure their knowledge, skills and understanding. All Year 3 children are expected to produce longer, more detailed pieces of work in every lesson. They will also start to take more responsibility for improving their own work, correcting any mistakes.
Reading continues to be incredibly important for your child’s progress. We will read with your child once a week and they will bring an Oxford Reading Tree or library book home daily. Please read with your child at home using the books from the scheme and any other books that they enjoy. Make sure you sign the reading diary every time your child reads so they move up the balloons in our Reading Competition.
In English, your child will continue to work on the spelling patterns they have begun in previous years, but this year there is less of a focus on phonics and more emphasis on understanding and learning the spelling rules, as well as attention to prefixes and suffixes. Your child will also study different genres of writing and text types including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
In Maths we will have more of a times tables focus. Children will learn quick recall of the required 3, 4, 8, and 50 times-tables (as well as the 2, 5, and 10 times-tables they’ve already learned in Year 1 and 2). This is important as they form the foundation for a large majority of the work the children will cover within the year. We will also begin to use column addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers this year, as well as learning about multiplication and division, and using — and applying — their times tables knowledge. We will also cover fractions of quantities, equivalent fractions, angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, area, perimeter, and shape. The national curriculum ‘mastery’ style of teaching concentrates on breadth of knowledge, and children will be encouraged to use their understanding of the new concepts to solve challenges to deepen their understanding.
Learning means the world
We use a themeatic approach called ‘Learning means the world’ to teach the wider curriculum subjects. We will be focusing on themes that will last 3 or 6 weeks. During these sessions we will develop our understanding, knowledge and skills through a variety of activities.
Our PE lesson is every Friday, so please make sure your child leaves their school PE kits in a bag in school. This consists of, black jogging bottoms/leggings/shorts, white t-shirt and the blue school jumper.
Please remember water bottles need to be brought in every day. Please also remember that the school day finishes at 3.30pm prompt for Year 3.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on Class Dojo.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Atkinson
Files to Download
Year 3: News items
Newsletter 07.02.25, by Mrs Lavin
Newsletter 6.12.24, by Mrs Lavin
Newsletter 29.11.24, by Mrs Lavin