Year 4 2024 - 2025
Ms Kehoe
Miss Tomlinson
Miss E. Kehoe
Miss M. Moore
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Congratulations! Your child is in Year 4. This is a year where we nurture and encourage the feelings of independent thinking, learning and decision making. Children now already know the routines for KS2; they have already realised that they have to do homework and they already understand that they are expected to learn a lot in a year.
In English, the children are becoming more independent with their writing and are using the features they are learning in class. The children will learn to know and understand particular key skills. Apostrophes, commas, and key spellings are just some of the things children in Year 4 are expected to use accurately.
In Maths, we will be looking at place value and addition and subtraction. There is an expectation that by the end of Year 4 all times tables are known and learnt fluently. Anything you can do to help that knowledge go in and stay in is fantastic:
- Log on to TT Rockstar and practice at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 5 minutes
- Put a poster at the end of their bed or give your child recordings to listen to in the car.
- Practise through a Multiplication Tables Check
We will be starting a new scheme of learning called ‘Learning Means the World’ to deliver the Foundation subjects. Year 4 will become Adventurers as they learn about Geography, History, Science, Music and other subjects in an exciting and relatable way.
Homework will be given every week through TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed. On TT Rockstars, the children will be set target times tables to practice. On Spelling Shed, they will play a variety of games that are linked to their spellings.
Our PE lesson is every Friday, so please make sure your child leaves their PE kit in school. This consists of black trainers or pumps, black jogging bottoms/leggings/shorts, white t-shirt and the blue school jumper.
Swimming takes place every Thursday, so please make sure your child comes to school with their swimming kit (swimming trunks/one-piece costume, towel and swimming hat – swimming hats can be bought at the swimming baths during the first lesson) and no goggles are allowed unless there is a note from the doctor saying they are necessary. The children can be quite hungry after swimming so feel free to send a healthy snack in.
Please remember children are able to bring a water bottle into school.
At St Paul’s we operate an open door policy, so please feel free to ask me any questions before or after school when dropping off your child, or alternatively you can send me a message on DOJO or ring the school office to request a call back.
Kind regards,
Miss Kehoe
Files to Download
Year 4: News items
Newsletter 07.02.25, by Mrs Lavin
Newsletter 6.12.24, by Mrs Lavin
Newsletter 29.11.24, by Mrs Lavin