‘We work, We play, We care, We pray’

New Curriculum

Dear Parents/Carers,

This year we are starting a new curriculum called Dimensions - Learning Means the World.  This is a thematic approach to learning, which teaches the subjects of Art, D&T, Geography, History, Science, Music and PSHE within a 'theme'.  Each year group has a name, so Nursery and Reception are 'Explorers', Years 1 & 2 are 'Pathfinders', Years 3 & 4 are 'Adventurers' and Years 5 & 6 are 'Navigators'. 

This is completely new to us as a school, so we have added some information about this to each class page.  At the bottom of each class page there are 3 documents for parents to download (more for EYFS) and these documents are a 'WISK sheet' for the current theme being taught in each year group.  The WISK sheet gives you a quick overview of the current theme being taught in your child's class for the next 6 weeks.  There is also a document called the 'Satellite View' and this shows you the learning taking place across the year in each of the separate subjects.  The final document is an overview of the themes being taught across the year in each year group, so for Nursery and Reception this document will be called 'Explorers', for Years 1 & 2 this document will be called 'Pathfinders', for Years 3 & 4 this document will be called 'Adventurers' and for Years 5 & 6 this document will be called 'Navigators'.

We will continue to teach English, Reading, Phonics, Maths, RE, SRE and Music as discrete subjects, but there may be opportunities for extra learning to take place within the Dimensions curriculum.

We are very excited about this new curriculum and we are looking forward to seeing the work that the children complete.  Please do not hesitate to talk to your class teacher if you have any questions regarding this.

Kind Regards,

Mrs K Lavin

Deputy Headteacher

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